Welcome to the RADLD Canada National Committee page. Here you will find:
- Contact details for the RADLD Canada National Committee
- Information & resources relevant to Canadian families, clinicians and educators
- Upcoming DLD events in Canada
The RADLD CANADA National Committee meets every two months via Zoom. To express your interest in joining the RADLD Canada National Committee contact:
RADLD Canadian Committee | radldcanada@gmail.com| https://www.facebook.com/groups/canadaradldambassadors
- DLD and Me | Their goal is to raise awareness about developmental language disorder (DLD) and to offer support and resources for parents, teachers and individuals impacted by DLD.This site was created by collaborators from several institutions | https://dldandme.org/ |
- DLD Diagnostics Toolbox | The purpose of this toolbox is to address questions related to the diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) | https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/lwm/news/2020/06_24_BlogIntroduction.html
- Speech-Language & Audiology Canada | National organization that supports and represents Canadian speech-language pathologists, audiologists and communication health assistants | https://www.sac-oac.ca/
- Regroupement TDL Québec | C’est la force de 9 associations régionales disposées aux quatre coins du Québec. Ensemble, nous œuvrons à favoriser une meilleure connaissance du trouble développemental du langage (TDL) | This is the strength of 9 regional associations located throughout Quebec. Together, we are working to promote a better understanding of developmental language disorder (DLD) https://www.langagequebec.ca/
- Dysphasie Québec Un organisme à but non lucratif qui, animé et motivé par ses valeurs de partage, d’entraide et d’empathie, offre des services d’information, de soutien et de représentation afin de sensibiliser la population aux personnes présentant un trouble développemental du langage | https://www.dysphasie-quebec.com/ Dysphasie Québec Facebook Group
- Parlons Dysphasie | Notre équipe est composée de gens passionnés par les sciences de la santé et le bien-être des personnes atteintes de dysphasie (trouble primaire du langage)| https://www.parlonsdysphasie.com/ Facebook: François et son TDL
- Centre of Excellence for Speech and Language Development | The Centre of Excellence for Speech and Language Development is a provincial service designed to offer support and expertise in the areas of Communication, Speech, Language, Literacy, and Social Communication skills, herein providing evidence-based practices to school-teams so to foster Language for Learning, daily, in order to enable students who present with a Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) or other speech and language difficulties the opportunity to reach their unique potential. Together with school- teams, we aim to inspire and enable students to live successes across social, functional and academic spheres of life, setting foundations to achieving success and fulfillment as future engaged thinkers and ethical citizens http://coesld.ca/
upcoming events
- DLD Awareness Day | Developmental Language Disorder Day is celebrated each year. Check out the website to find out more information. https://radld.org/dld-awareness-day/
Things you can do right now to get involved.
- Write a letter to local landmarks asking them to light up in purple (or purple and yellow). Preform letter is here for you: https://radld.org/dld-awareness-day/light-up-events/
- Become an ambassador and meet others who are raising awareness of DLD. https://radld.org/get-involved/ambassadors/
- Donate some money https://radld.org/get-involved/donations/
- Form a group with friends, family members and colleagues to plan together.
- Email us at radldcanada@gmail.com with your DLD Awareness Day photos and videos!
- Use RADLD Social Media resources (zoom backgrounds, e signatures, Tik Tok and IG frames)
https://radld.org/dld-awareness-day/resources-media-ideas/ - Follow us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/groups/canadaradldambassadors
- Share RADLD video, bubble diagram, ‘Language is’ handout https://radld.org/dld-awareness-day/resources-media-ideas/
- Share translated resources in French on the RADLD website (posters, bubble, teacher presentation, light-up event letter) https://radld.org/dld-awareness-day/resources-media-ideas/translated-resources/
- “DLD in the Classroom”- Caitlin Malli, Teacher BC Teachers’ Federation Magazine | https://issuu.com/teachernewsmag/docs/may_june_2022_teacher_mag_-_issuu/8?fbclid=IwAR30J8_7Y2UPlwtrxnOp0pUQFTQyglsIkZwkq3djH-_mYg9qRVPf0MlRwPk
- Supporting Developmental Language Disorders in the Classroom on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKegRlHFqH4
- Francois Facebook page, talks about people with DLD https://www.facebook.com/FrancoisEtSonTDL/
- Developmental Language Disorder: Steps Toward Implementation in Ontario An OSLA working paper https://www.uwo.ca/fhs/lwm/osla/index.html
- En français- 4 Myths about DLD: https://urbania.media/fr/agence/semaine-quebecoise-du-trouble-developpemental-du-langage-tdl
- DLD & Me website: Developmental Language Disorder and Me Teacher handout. Share with teachers and with parents. https://dldandme.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/DLD-Teacher-Handout.pdf
- DLD Guide for Parents and Families by Jeanne Tighe https://radld.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/DLD-A-guide-for-parents-and-families-2.pdf
- En français- ESCALADE program: an intervention program for adolescents with a developmental language disorder (DLD). Made for teenagers. Goal to translate into English in the future.
FRENCH 2023 DLD Around the world MEMES
FRENCH 2023 DLD Around the world poster
DLD In the media – canada
- Michele Minor-Corriveau in Sudbury https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLFiD0HJ4s8
- Montreal students sharing how they requested a ‘light up’ event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mrYiSKu8fM&list=PLZKYMAk9g2pl2heg4MhU14kD04glNpah8&index=8
- Press conference in Quebec: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqCZe1pyH6k (use the settings wheel to turn on English subtitles)
- The young race car driver in Quebec with DLD: https://youtu.be/pBFZbO0nGWQ
- Light up events: See this twitter thread: https://twitter.com/larchiba6/status/1449456472824418305
- Accounts to follow
- Twitter & Instagram: @DLDinNB
- Instagram: @DLDSeeMe
- Twitter: @ugdsb_CLS
- Twitter: @larchiba6
- Instagram: @dld_diagnostics