
Activities to raise awareness about Developmental Language Disorder in Cyprus

1. Presentation on Developmental Language Disorder: From Diagnosis to Intervention by Dr. Elena Theodorou, TEPAK

2. Activities by the Language Disorders Special Interest & Outreach Group, / facebook page: Σύλλογος Εγγεγραμμένων Λογοπαθολόγων – Association of Registered SLP Cyprus
a. Videos about DLD
b. Articles about DLD and recommended open-access literature
c. Facts about DLD shared on social media
d. Press releases and live appearances on TV and radio channels
e. Lighting of buildings all over Cyprus

3. Action for DLD by Mosinian Research & Consultancy
a. Podcast episodes in Greek-Cypriot (Host: Dr. Rouzana Komesidou)
i. Assessment and diagnosis of DLD with Dr. Elena Theodorou
ii. Experiences of a young SLT with DLD with Nikoletta Tourliou
b. Flyer on assessment and diagnosis of DLD, created by Dr. Elena Theodorou and Dr. Rouzana Komesidou

4. Action for DLD by EPILOGo Research Lab (Cyprus University of Technology)
a. Video for DLD
b. Press releases
c. Research papers
d. Chocolates treat to university staff with quotes about the DLD

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