
  • Afasic – What is DLD?
    Afasic – What is DLD?

    Developmental Language Disorder or DLD (previously known as Specific Language Impairment or SLI) is a persistent type speech, language and communication need that cannot be explained by an obvious cause.

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  • Bercow – 10 Years On
    Bercow – 10 Years On

    Bercow: Ten Years On is a report on the state of provision for children’s speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in England. The report has been published by I CAN , the children’s communication charity, and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT).

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  • Common Questions about Bilingual/Multilingual Children and Informed, Evidence-based Answers
  • Developmental Language Disorder: The Childhood Condition We Need to Start Talking About
  • Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day – Top tips for identification and teaching
    Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day – Top tips for identification and teaching

    As we approach Developmental Language Disorder Awareness Day, Jules Daulby takes a look at this often lesser-known communication difficulty, its characteristics, and how best to support children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in the classroom.

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  • DLD Bubble Toolkit
    DLD Bubble Toolkit

    This DLD Toolkit for practitioners was developed by The Communication Intervention Team (ComIT), with support from NAPLIC. It uses the RADLD DLD Bubble Resource which highlights areas Children and Young People with Developmental Language Disorder may have difficulty with. The toolkit provides information, strategies, practical activities and suggested resources that can be used within the classroom to support communication development. Watch the DLD Bubble Toolkit Video.

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  • DLD and Me
    DLD and Me

    This site was created by collaborators from several institutions. Our goal is to raise awareness about developmental language disorder (DLD) and to offer support and resources for parents, teachers and individuals impacted by DLD.

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  • DLD Toolbox
    DLD Toolbox

    The purpose of this toolbox is to address questions related to the diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). The intention is to summarize diagnostic issues for the international community of speech-language pathologists / speech and language therapists (or others) concerned with identifying DLD.

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  • Engage with DLD Project
    Engage with DLD Project

    Are you interested in knowing more about the science behind DLD?  Would you be happy to take part in new projects aiming to increase our understanding of the causes and treatment of DLD as well as the long-term outcomes of individuals with DLD?  If the answer is yes to any of these questions, please consider signing up to the first international database of families and individuals affected by DLD. The Engage with DLD project aims to help facilitate parental understanding of DLD by creating easy to read summaries of relevant research while also giving parents and individuals the opportunity to engage in research projects directly! 

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  • ICAN – DLD
    ICAN – DLD

    DLD – a deeper understanding with Dorothy Bishop

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  • "I've Still Got It, Haven't I?" - DLD in Older Children and Adolescents

    Available in ENGLISH & FRENCH. This short booklet has been written for parents, teachers, professionals and the general community in order to raise awareness about the nature and impact of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in older children and adolescents. The content covers the many different aspects of oral and written language that are often significantly problematic for these young people, as well as providing a great many ways in which we can all give practical support. ​

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  • MCRI Policy Brief
    MCRI Policy Brief

    2 May 2017

    Developmental Language Disorder – a public health problem?

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  • Moor House Research & Training Institute
    Moor House Research & Training Institute

    Moor House Research & Training Institute is at the forefront of research into the effectiveness of therapy interventions for school aged students with severe Developmental Language Disorder. Click the link to access free information for teachers and parents/caregivers.

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    NAPLIC is a registered charity and was founded in 1986.  It is an established national organisation of teachers, speech and language therapists and other professionals.

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  • Speech-Language & Audiology Canada - DLD
    Speech-Language & Audiology Canada - DLD

    14 March 2018

    Developmental Language Disorder: Why You Should Add DLD to Your Vocabulary.

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  • Speech Pathology Australia – DLD
    Speech Pathology Australia – DLD

    On this page are two articles about Development Language Disorder that appeared in Speak Out. A PDF version of each article is accessible at bottom of this page.

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  • speechBITE

    Find Speech Pathology treatment evidence now. speechBITE lists the best evidence first.

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  • SpeechblogUK – 10 Strategies
    SpeechblogUK – 10 Strategies

    21 September 2017

    For DLD Awareness Day we have joined up with some other SLT bloggers in the UK to write a series of posts (and one podcast!) about DLD, what it is and how you can help. You can find links to the other posts in the series at the end of this post.

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  • The DLD Project
    The DLD Project

    Extensive and evolving research tells us what works best for people with DLD but unfortunately these learnings and insights sit in the hands of a few. The DLD Project, seeks to address these roadblocks by establishing an online platform which will distribute evidence-based information, resources and training created by expert contributors from around the globe. In addition to offering lots of free and paid tools and resources to support the Australian DLD community a portion of the proceeds will go to funding game changing DLD advocacy and research initiatives.

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  • The Snow Report
    The Snow Report

    Behaviour as a form of communication: What’s the issue? There’s been quite a lot of discussion in the Twittersphere, on and off in recent months about the notion that “(all) behaviour is a form of communication”. I’ve bracketed the word “all” here quite deliberately, as I think it is part of the problem, and will come back to that later.

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  • Webwords 60 - DLD
    Webwords 60 - DLD

    Developed by RAND in the 1950s, the “deliberative tool” called the Delphi method is a forecasting technique, in which a panel of selected experts responds anonymously, in writing, to two or more rounds of carefully designed questionnaires.

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  • Western University – DLD Projects
    Western University – DLD Projects

    The goals of this course are (1) to provide sufficient knowledge and basic clinical skills to begin practice in the area of language and related disorders affecting school-age children, and (2) to develop clinical reasoning skills necessary to address the ambiguity characteristic of professional practice in this area.

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  • Western University – DLD Presentation
    Western University – DLD Presentation

    Learning Objectives
    1. To consider the importance and use of diagnostic labels to describe children with
    unexplained language impairments
    2. To review recent advances about criteria and terminology for children’s language problems
    3. To examine next steps and ongoing challenges in adopting new consensus terminology in practice

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  • Wikipedia - DLD
    Wikipedia - DLD

    Developmental language disorder (DLD) is identified when a child has problems with language development that continue into school age and beyond. The language problems have a significant impact on everyday social interactions or educational progress, and occur in the absence of autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability or a known biomedical condition.

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