
The theme of this year’s RADLD campaign is ‘Speak Up for DLD.’  We aim to amplify the voices of people with DLD and their families, and this is where you can help. 

We are asking you to interview an adult with DLD (over 18 years) or a family member of a person with DLD. A young person under 18 may be involved, if they are accompanied by an adult. This content will then be written up and shared on RADLD social media. A brief video recording will also be made. 

Content to be created

  1. A summary of the interview
  2. A very short video (maximum 2 minutes)
  3. Photo of the person with DLD or family


Use your contacts to connect with a person with DLD or their family. When you organise the interview, please ensure they:

  1. Are ware of the purpose of the project and give their informed consent (see below)
  2. Have been diagnosed with ‘Developmental Language Disorder’ and
  3. Do not feel under any pressure to get involved. 

Step 1 – Interview questions

Start with an informal chat, so you can get to know the person you are interviewing. Then include some of these DLD-specific questions, which may need to be changed to suit the person.

For people with DLD:

  • What did you find difficult at school?
  • What kind of supports would have helped/did help you at school?
  • What do you find difficult about work/study (if relevant)?
  • What kind of supports would you like in your workplace (if relevant)?
  • How have you spoken up for DLD in the past?
  • How are you going to speak up for DLD this year?

For families of children and young people with DLD:

  • What does your child/you find difficult at school?
  • What kind of supports would/do help at school?
  • How have you spoken up for DLD in the past?
  • How are you going to speak up for DLD this year?

Editing the interview

Briefly summarise the interview (maximum one page) using simple, accessible language.  Highlight key points or quotes that may resonate on social media. 

STEP 2 – Video recording

Talk through the following lines. You may need to practice then record. 

‘My name is (NAME) and I live in (COUNTRY). 

I have DLD/a family member has DLD. 

I am speaking up for DLD.

One thing you can do to Speak Up for DLD is . . . 

Use the following tips to help:

step 3 – photo

Ask the person with DLD and/or their family to provide you with a photo.


Ensure the person with DLD or family are aware of the purpose of the interview. Which is to: write up the interview into a format suitable for social media (including a photo) and to record a short video clip which can also be shared on RADLD social media. 

Some families/people with DLD  may prefer to remain anonymous and consent to a written summary without a photo, and not be video recorded. This is acceptable, and should be confirmed with them. Ensure that this is highlighted on the submitted copy and no identifying information is included. 

Complete and keep the attached form


Agreeing the content

View the recording together with the interviewees for approval. 

Write up and send the interview to the interviewee for approval. 


Submitting content 

Collate the recording, interview and photos and submit at



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